Terminologie in Hosting: Scrisori Nigeriene

Mai este cunoscuta si sub denumirile de: Advance Fee Fraud, Prizonierul Spaniol (Spanish Prisoner), Frauda 419. 419 fiind un articol de lege din codul penal Nigerian care reglementeaza astfel de fraude.

Descriere: se primeste un mesaj email nesolicitat din Nigeria sau alt stat african. Persoana care trimite acest mesaj pretinde ca este mostenitorul unui raposat dictator african si promite destinatarului mesajului o mare suma de bani, de obicei de ordinul milioanelor de dolari, in schimbul colaborarii sau pentru alte motive. Pentru a intra in posesia acestei sume, destinatarului mesajului trebuie sa plateasca un mic avans pentru diferite comisioane, de exemplu taxa de deschidere a unui cont bancar. Oricum, exista nenumarate versiuni ale mesajului sau ale motivului pentru care vi se cere o mica suma de bani, cert este ca banii odata platiti nu vor mai fi niciodata recuperati, destinatarul mesajului nu se va alege cu acele milioane promise ci doar va ramane fara cateva zeci, sute sau mii de dolari.

Cum recunoasteti o Scrisoare Nigeriana: Primiti un mesaj nesolicitat prin email in care un strain va promite o mare avere sau modalitati de a va imbogati rapid.

Ce trebuie sa faceti: In primul rand nu raspundeti la mesaj. Nu trimiteti niciodata prin email catre necunoscuti copii ale actelor de identitate, cecuri, detaliile cardului de credit sau debit, numarul de cont bancar.

Exemplu de scrisoare nigeriana:

Subiect: Dear Sir

Dear Sir,

Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business with you. I got your contact from an international web directory. I selected your name due to it’s esteeming nature and the recommendations given to me as a reputable and trust worthy person I can do business with.

I am Alissa Abdul, the only Daughter of late Mr and Mrs Hassan Abdul. My father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant in Abidjan,the economic capital of Ivory Coast before he was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their outing to discus on a business deal. He secretly called me on his bedside and told me that he has a sum of $10.500.000 (Ten Million, five hundred thousand dollars) left in a suspense account in a local Bank here in Abidjan, that he used my name as his first Daughter for the next of kin in deposit of the fund.

He also explained to me that I should seek for a God fearing foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money and use it for investment purpose, (such as real estate management). Sir, we are honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways.

1) To provide a Bank account where this money would be transferred to.

2) To serve as the guardian of this since I am a girl of 26 years.

Moreover Sir, we are willing to offer you 15% of the sum as compensation for effort input after the successful transfer of this fund to your designate account overseas. please feel free to contact ,me via this email address

Anticipating to hear from you soon.
Thanks and God Bless.
Best regards.
Miss Alissa Abdul
